Here's what you'll find in this unit:
See,Trace and Make cards
Beginning Sounds Cards
Counting Cards
Find the Missing Number
Upper/Lower Case Match
Cheeky Cheshire
Tic, Tac, Toe
Size Sort
Tea Cup Stack
Number Clip Cards
Number Words
2's, 3's, 5's and 10's counting cards
Missing Alphabet Letters
Alphabet Writing
Number Writing
What's the Time Mr. Rabbit?
Making Words
To be honest, I could have kept going and going on this one. I hope you'll be able to use some of the things in the pack. If you'd like a copy, Please click Here to go to my Teachers Notebook Store….I’ll be selling it for only $2.00!
The absolutely GORGEOUS graphics all come from Scrappin Doodles.. Thank you so much, Denyse!

wow what a wonderful unit! Thanks:)
Jada Roo Can Do
Thanks so much! I can't wait to use it.
Awesome! Thanks so much!
I would LOVE a copy of this! My kids are loving all of your things we are using in our kinder class :)
I would love a copy of this! Thanks you so much for helping out our K class!
Love this new unit.. is there a way to download it?
Can you ladoes email me at and I'll send it to you :-)
I would love a copy. It looks amazing! Thanks!
Please email me if you'd like a copy :-)
You really are the sweetest to share all that you share!
I would love to get a copy of this!
Thanks for sharing!
I love all of your units!! :) I will be emailing you now!
The graphics are adorable!!
The teachers saw what I was looking at and I had to tell them about you! The Wonderland packet is amazing, my kids are going to be all over this!
I had to pass along the "I Heart Your Blog" Award! Thank you for inspiring my colleagues and me!
Ms. Trinh
Thank you so much, Ladies.......I really loved working on this one! Next up is a jungle theme :-)
You are amazing! :)
Crayons and Curls
I can't wait to see this unit! How fun! Thanks for offering such a great (limited time) freebie!
Lil' Country Kindergarten
Thanks Michelle! I e-mailed you!
This looks amazing!
I Heart Your Blog!
❤Mrs. McKown
Little Literacy Learners
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