Thursday, September 6, 2012

Peek At Our Week–M is for Moon

My Father's World Title Pic

Ugh! I knew this would happen…..I really wanted to be posting each week but I’ve already slipped behind……….we didn’t complete all of the things I had planned for “M'” week but we gave it a good shot and (mostly) had fun. Here are some of the things we did.


We worked on writing our  name……I have to say that I’m pretty impressed –It only took a week and a little bit for Channing to be able to spell and write his name by himself. I hadn’t really worked on it much with him before now (whose idea was it to give their child an 8 letter name!?)…….but he’s done soooo well! This picture shows a little name trace (write on/wipe off) card I made for him. We practice our name each day and I try to vary it so he doesn’t get bored…..I can tell though that he’ll only need a week or so more of “practice” before he’s mastered it :-)


We also used magnetic letters to make our name this week.


We stamped and wrote our sight words again this week. Channing’s doing pretty well with sight words but he had trouble with 2 words this week so I might cut down the amount I’m giving him. His favorite part of sight words is putting them together to make a sentence!


We also did a few “mouse” activities. This one I found in one of my kindergarten boxes as I was packing the other day. Channing had to count out the correct number of mice for each piece of cheese.


We then made patterns out of the “mice” colors  and did some addition and subtraction with them.



We completed a “Blast Off” page. I had  missing numbers under each rocket and Channing had to write in the correct missing number.



We made name rockets. The boys had to write each letter of their name on a piece of the rocket (Sully traced his).



I think they turned out cute :-)


We learned about the phases of the moon (with Oreos of course).




We also made a book of the phases of the moon.


Here is the craft we did to remind us of our Bible truth.


We made “craters” on the “moon” by dropping marbles into flour………..



Here’s how that activity ended up :-)


We played a cover up game I made for the boys called “Starry, Starry night”. It’s just a simple roll and cover game – the boys LOVED it.



We made a rocket out of simple shapes and measure how tall it was with unifix cubes. This activity is going in our Math Journal.


We read “Aliens Love Underpants”….see post here to grab your freebie!

I See Stars Title Pic

We made a star counting book (which you can purchase here).

Zoom to the Moon activity pic

The big project of the week was to make our “Zoom to the Moon” book…….we love how it turned out! If you want to join in the fun and make your own, you can find it here.


Of course we read LOTS of book and learned many interesting facts about the moon. We used bubble wrap and jar lids to make a moon and then we wrote a sentence about something we learned. I think Channing was about to write another c after the o and that’s why his “cold” looks a little funny but he loved learning all kinds of things about the moon this week.


We’re also racing ahead with our Horizon Math……the beginning few lessons are pretty easy….we’ll see how he goes when things get a little challenging :-) By far his FAVORITE time is reading. We’ve only done the first lesson of AAR…we actually repeated it a few times as I don’t want to go too fast and want him to grasp the blending etc. I’m loving it as well.


Thanks for taking a peek at our week :-)


1 Rachelle said...

I love all of it!!! Those pictures were great!!! I love the moon dust all over him! HA!

2 Unknown said...

I can't tell you how excited I am that I just realized you are back to blogging! Yay! Your blog is my favorite! I LOVE everything you did this week!! Those rockets with the handprints turned out super cute!