Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Aliens Love Underpants (Freebie)!

Aliens love underpants

As part of our “M is for Moon” week, we read this book. My boys LOVE this book….it’s so silly and cute. It’s been a favorite since last year but since I knew it was a book that held their attention, here are some activities I came up with to go along with it.


Count the number of underpants each alien has and record it by stamping the correct number on the paper.


We also played “Build Your Rockets”. Roll a dice and use unifix cubes to build your rockets. The first person to build all of their rockets wins!

If you’re interested in these activities, you can grab them for free from my TPT store HERE.


1 MamaDuck76 said...

So cute! My SIL bought this book for the boys for Christmas. We read it once or twice & stuck it on the shelf...we will definitely have to dig it out for this! :)

Thanks, Michelle!