Tuesday, September 11, 2012

First Day Back


The day we’ve been anxiously awaiting finally came! Channing started back to preschool this week. He only goes three mornings a week (for 2 and a half hours) so we do our own “school” some afternoons and the other days. He’ll only get about half a year in before we move and then he’ll be in Kindergarten in Australia. He already LOVES his teachers (and so do I)….they are so lovely, so caring and so positive! Sully also started preschool today……….I was soooo nervous (mostly that everything would go OK with his peanut allergy) but the school has been great about making his room a peanut free room and so I’m pretty confident things will be fine :-)

Here’s what we gave our wonderful teachers as a welcome back gift:


A yummy jar of caramel dip with an apple. The teachers loved them and I’ve already had requests for the recipe. Here’s how I made it:

8oz Cream Cheese mixed with

2TBS Caramel dip (the kind you get in the fruit section of the grocery store…….if you can’t get any, boil a can of condensed milk for 3-4 hours UNDER lots of water!! Keep topping the water so it doesn’t explode…..let it cool, open the lid and you have the most delicious caramel ever!!).

Mix those 2 things really well.

Spoon some into a mason jar and add some of the caramel on top of that.

Add some crumbly Heath Bar (or whatever else) you like on top.

It’s THAT simple!!!


Watch out teachers!!!



1 MamaDuck76 said...

Oh my goodness, that apple dip sounds DELICIOUS! We might just have to do that for our Sunday School and Bible study teachers for the boys :)

What adorable pictures. I hope the boys both have a wonderful year!

2 Mrs. Anderson said...

Your boys look so darn cute!! I love the teacher gift!! Thanks for the recipe.
Connie Anderson:)