Thursday, December 1, 2011

Christmas: A is for Angel

A is for Angel Pic

In our Christmas bag today was “Alabaster’s Song”  by Max Lucado. Channing has been asking me for a while if he will ever see an angel so he thought this story was great.



Here is the A is for Angel craft that we did. We used a coffee filter for the wings and basically just glued the rest together. The boys (even Sully) did a great job so I know it’s definitely simple enough for even a 2 year old to do :-)

A is for Angel Alphabet

I also cut out these alphabet cards and stuck them on the wall of the boy’s room. We used flashlights (we were pretend modern day shepherds) to find different letter. If you have older kids, you could do this and have them spell out words etc. You can click on the picture above for a copy of the cards.

A Heavly Host game pic

We also played the  “Heavenly Host” game (The favorite of the day). Every player needs a red mat (I laminated ours and put them on a cookie sheet). There are also angel circles  (to go in the circles on the mat) – I cut these out and hot glued magnets behind them so they’d stick on the cookie sheet. You’ll also need a dice.

How To Play: Roll a die and put the same amount of angels on your mat. When you have covered all the spaces, trade your angels in for an “A” card. Keep playing and the next time you fill your board, trade your angels in for an “N” card. Play continues until someone spells “Angel”.

You do NOT have to use cookie sheets if you don’t want :-)

Click on the picture above for you (FREE) copy.

Little Angel Interactive Book

The last “Angel” activity that we did was to make our “Little Angel” book. Both of my boys LOVE these books so I knew it would be a winner. Simply color, cut and staple the book together. I have included a little puppet for you to glue on the end of a popsicle stick to use while you read. The book includes positional words and the kids can make the angel do what the words tell them. there are 10 interactive pages to enjoy.

Click the picture above for your (free) copy. I have to warn you that the document LOOKS blank but I assure you that when I tried it, after you download it, the document is there…..must be a glitch in 4shared’s system or something.


I hope you can use some of these activities too……write me a comment if you do :-)

Thanks to DJinkers  and KPMdoodles for the cute graphics, tracing font and frames!


See you tomorrow for “B is for Bell”.

I’m link this to:


1 Miller Moments said...

Love your angel! such cute activities!

jenny Clayton said...

I adore your creativity, talent, and generosity! I really want to do these special activities with my boys ages 3.5 and 5.5. Merry Christmas and thanks again for sharing!

3 Kathy said...

Thanks for sharing your booklet. So great for my kindies!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for such fabulous free ideas! I love the Angel game. In fact it has inspired me with a low-cost gift idea to cousins. We'll print several fun games like yours, make our own direction sheet to go with them, and send them in the mail as a low cost Christmas gift! We cannot afford to laminate or magnetize them, but they'll be fun just the same. We'll send all of the parts cut up and labeled in baggies for each different game and then put them in separate binder sleeves or manilla envelopes to keep parts organized for recipients. Games like yours would also make space efficient travel games to bring when visiting for Christmas!

5 Mrs. Whary said...

Kathleen - what a SUPER idea!! Love it :-) Thanks for postiting such a great you've got me thinking too :-)

6 kinderdi said...

Thanks so much for sharing all of your wonderful angel ideas and activities. I am doing letter "Aa" this week with my kindergarten class.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for all of the fantastic activities and ideas that you share!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for all of your hard work and generosity in sharing with us!
Merry Christmas!