Monday, December 5, 2011

Christmas: E is for Elf

E is for elf pic

Today we read “The Happy Elf”. I wasn’t sure if Channing was going to be a huge fan because it had quite a few words – he loved it! That kid has been surprising me a lot lately :-) Anyway, if you haven’t read it, its about a little elf named “Eubie” who really wants to join Santa on the sleigh. Due to the fact he was so happy all the time (and annoying others with his great mood), he was places on the naughty/nice list checking. He notices that there is a whole town on the “naughty” list and decides to help them. It’s a good story and comes with a fun music CD too :-)


Here is the E if for Elf craft that we did.

e is for busy elf pic

We made this cute little days of the week and counting book called “Busy Elf!” Click on the picture above if you’d like a {free} copy.

e stack the sleigh pic

I had all these little gift ornaments sitting in my school stuff stash, so I decided to make a game for the boys. I came up with “Stack the Sleigh”. Basically you need a dice and a playing mat for each person (and at least 10 gifts for each person playing)… could always play with some other kind of trinket or candy if you want. Roll the dice and put the correct amount of gifts in the sleigh. For younger kids, the game ends when someone stacks their sleigh…..for slightly older kids, when you stack the sleigh, trade your gifts in for a reindeer. Keep playing until you have all 9 reindeer (and then play once more to make it to 100). You are welcome to make up your own rules but that’s how we played it :-) Click on the picture above for your {free} copy – once again, it looks blank on 4shared but it’s NOT!


We also made some elf stocking patterns………super easy!


How can you pass an elf day up without a “you’ve been elfed” experience :-) Channing and Sully put on their little elf hats and put these cute little tins on all the boys beds dressers while they were  at school.


Our own little elf “Trix” left up the movie “Prep and Landing” which we watched.


elf pic

After I put the little ones in bed, I was pondering what I should do with all the broken ornaments we have in our student home so I came up with this little guy……I think he turned out cute! If you want to see how I made him, head over to The Crafty Community.


1 Deedee Wills said...

Oh my goodness... those elf legs are adorable!

Mrs. Wills Kindergarten

2 Mrs. Whary said...

Thanks so much :-)

3 MamaDuck76 said...

You are SO crafty & creative! I don't know how you possibly find the time to prepare all these wonderful activities, but they sure are cute!

I loved seeing a pic of your boys getting ready to "elf" the big boys! :)

4 Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing all the work you are doing with your ABC's of Christmas! I wish we could say we are following right along, but I've yet to get my act together, hopefully soon. Thanks for sharing!
-Amanda @

5 Unknown said...

Your Elf book is adorable! Love all the Elf pics - especially your boys and the ornament elf! You are so creative! Your boys are so lucky to have such a crafty mom! :)
Crayons and Curls

6 Brimful Curiosities said...

I need an elf version of you to move into my house. My kids would adore all of your crafts and games!

7 Lynnette said...

Thank you so much for sharing! These are incredible ideas and so much hard work. Every day it is like an elf left me a little gift to share with my daughter!

8 Jen R said...

Those "E"s are SOOO stinkin' cute!! I'm excited to see the whole alphabet!

♥ Jen Ross
The Teachers' Cauldron