Sunday, November 20, 2011

Holiday Celebrations Around the World (another keepsake book)!

Holiday Celebrations pic

Wow! I can’t believe I got it done but I did! “Holiday Celebrations” is my newest Keepsake book. It includes a short sentence or two and a craft (of course) from 14 countries!

There are 16 crafts included, along with templates for everything. It will supplement any holiday world trip you were planning with your kiddos :-)

Here are the countries included:
















Most pages are really simple but some are a little ore detailed which is why I am moving the age range on this one to K-3rd grade. It’s available in my TPT store if you’d like to check it out (it’s 45 pages long)! You can get there by clicking on the picture above or HERE!


I hope you’re still reading because (you know me, I’m all about giving away)……….the first 3 people to comment here on my blog (with their email address) will be sent one for FREE!!!!!


1 christine said...

Oh...I hope I'm one of the first 3! It looks amazing!

2 K.M.L said...

Love this! I am an ELL teacher and would love to use this in my class

kaseylaughlin at yahoo dot com


3 ♥ Owl in a Vowel Tree ♥ said...

Oh I love this! I hope i'm first!! :)

4 Jennifer said...

It looks great!!
Jennifer A.

5 Annette W. said...

Great idea!!
Derekannette at gmail dot com

6 Audra said...

Bummer just a little too slow... It looks very cute though!

7 Unknown said...

Dang it!! It looks good! I always like your work. Thank you for sharing.

8 Mrs. Giannone said...

wish I was a little faster... looks amazing!

9 Miller Moments said...

Have I told you today-you are amazing! I know I've told you it before, but you really should hear it every day!!! :)

10 Mrs. Hodge said...

So, we are on Turkey Day Break and I cleaned my house today - 7 trash bags worth, thinking that I live with the cast of "hoarders!" Missed the give away, must have this Keepsake Book - love it!
Wish I was not cleaning! Love your creations:)

11 Shelia said...

Late, but I love these!
(I'm going to just have to stay on google reader!)

12 4evrplaid said...

Looks like I am not one of the first 3 but wanted to comment about it excited to see these. This with fit perfectly into my Heritage Unit! Thanks!

13 Kylie said...

Wow you have been busy. I hope you will link these up at today's Christmas Fun post on my blog which is on Lesson Plans....your past couple of printable packs fit it perfectly. Now I'm off to pin them so I don't forget them either :-)

14 Barbara said...

Oh well guess I missed this one!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your cute family.
Fondly, Barbara

Holly said...

This book is fantastic. We love to celebrate Christmas Around the World each year and this book is a welcome, wonderful addition. The directions are well written and easy to follow and the pattern pieces are included. So glad we have a copy of this wonderful resource!

16 sandi said...

I really miss your old blog when, you offered these to everyone. :( You have so many. God Bless!

17 Mrs. Whary said...

Thanks for your comment, Sandi. I'm really sorry you feel this way :-( MOST of the things I create I do give away for free and purposly use clip art that allows me to do so. Everything I create costs me money.....the small amount that I make from these books goes right back into creating stuff for you to download for free from my blog.
I am open to your email if you'd like to chat about it further.

18 rachael said...

Hi! I just chanced upon your blog and LOVE IT! You have so many great ideas and just right for my kids (ages 5, 3 and almost 2). Can't wait to get caught up on your blog and get crafting w my kiddos!