Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Christmas Lights!

Christmas Lights Pic
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Sorry I haven’t been around much lately……I don’t think I told you but my husband and Channing went to Australia for a VERY quick visit (they were only gone a week). Unfortunately I didn’t go because when we purchased the tickets, I was still in the process of becoming a US Citizen and you aren’t meant to leave the country while it’s being processed. We had no idea it was all going to happen so fast for us (and I could have gone in the end). Oh well – I’ll get to go next time! I’m about to pick them up in about an hours time………..I have missed them like CRAZY!!! My sweet hubby and I have only been apart ONE day since we have been married and I think I’ve only been away from Channing for a night too……..needless to say that while Sully and I were BUSY, there was still lots of “missing” going on around here.
Anyway, I’ve been crazy busy trying to get some Christmas things ready for my kiddos and I thought I’d give you one of the printables a little early. It’s a counting/color Christmas lights book that includes the numbers 1-10. I hope you’ll find it useful :-)

The activity above will be included in my Christmas Pack coming soon to TPT.......

Also, I wanted to let you know that I’m now an author of

The Crafty Community

…’s an AWESOME new blog filled with craft ideas for kids! Come over and follow along, it’s going to be bursting with crafty fun.

Once again, the clip art and tracing font I used to make the Christmas Light Printable, is copyright and designed by Dianne J. Hook. Thanks you DJinkers for allowing me to use it!


1 Ms.Trinh said...

This is great! My kids are learning number and color words. Thanks for all that you do!

2 Keys4Education said...

What a great number review. Love it! Thanks so much for sharing! :o)

3 Unknown said...

I'm very excited for the number/color book. Thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I clicked on the photo and I can't get it to download so I could print it. Is there something I am doing wrong? Thanks for sharing such wonderful printouts for our kids.