Sunday, November 27, 2011

North Pole Breakfast


Last year we did “The Elf On The Shelf” and it was a MASSIVE hit with our 2 little guys. This year, I snagged this (much cuter) elf at Hobby Lobby for only a few dollars and thought I was set to go…………THEN I saw the “North Pole Breakfast”  idea on Pinterest and knew it was a tradition that I wanted to start with our family too. I decided that our breakfast would be today (first Sunday after Thanksgiving) and here’s what it looked like:


The cute plates came from Hobby Lobby during their 50% off Christmas sale last week (not sure if it’s still going on) and the adorable little elf cups came from Wal-Mart for only $1.


“Trix” (our elf) left us a hat, socks and PEZ….all from the dollar section of Target.


The menu…….


The letter to Santa that “Trix” asked us to fill out so he can take it to Santa tonight.


Santa left a note for the boys reminding them why we celebrate Christmas and the “rules” of Trix being in our house (like not touching him).


It’s a little hard to find “treats” that Sully can eat with his peanut allergy but I did find some white Cotton Candy and called it “Snow Clouds”.



Here’s a quick picture of the boys……I (unfortunately) didn’t get too many as I was busy dishing out and cutting up the food :-)



We were too full at breakfast to have our “snowman soup” so we had it after lunch instead.


All in all, it was a HUGE success and I hope the start of a great tradition! I made the printables using clip art from  KPMDoodles and Miss Tina. Unfortunately I can’t share the files with you due to the copyright on some of the graphics BUT if you head over to “Me & Marie”, Ashley Has some WONDERFUL printables that you can use (for free!).

Come back tomorrow for a post about another tradition we are about to start!


1 Miller Moments said...


2 Tara said...

Soooooo cute! Oh if only my babies were babies still (15 and 18). That looked like too much fun!!

4th Grade Frolics

3 Jaimee @ Havenwood House of Boys said...

This is precious!! I'm going to share this on my crafty facebook page. Love it!
: )
Jaimee @

Anonymous said...

You are amazing, Shell! Love it! xx Donlata

5 Tickled Pink Mandy said...

You are awesome!! I may be trying this!! :)

6 Ashley said...

Thanks for mentioning me & my free printables!
