Friday, November 18, 2011

Christmas ABC Coloring Book (Freebie)!

Christmas ABC's picI know that Thanksgiving is not even here yet so it’s weird to be thinking about Christmas……… fellow Aussies however are thinking Christmas and the celebrations are in full swing! This year I’m doing an ABC countdown to Christmas with my boys (more about that in a future post) so I whipped up this coloring book.  It’s and A-Z coloring book of all things Christmassy. We’ll be focusing a LOT on the true meaning of Christmas in our house but there are some other fun things we like to do as well.
If you are interested, you can find this booklet in my TPT store.
The clip art and tracing font that I used to make this cute book are copyright and designed by Dianne J. Hook. Thank you so much DJinkers!

I’m happy to announce that I have finished my two new keepsake books:
Back by popular demand (and now with templates) Take Of Christmas pic1

Holiday Fun Book Pic
Both books contain some of my all time FAVORITE Christmas crafts! I will be having a giveaway of these books on Sunday so please come back later to join in the fun (they will also be available for sale in my store sometime tomorrow).


1 Rachelle said...

How awesome are you!?!? Love this! You are VERY talented darlin'!

2 Barbara said...

So glad to see you back posting again...I miss my daily fix!! HEHE
Love the Keepsake books!

3 Stefanie said...

Sooo cute!!!

Heather B. :) said...

Love these, they look super cute! :)

Heather B. :) said...

These look super cute! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! I have just found your sight. Your ideas are precious and perfect for my classroom! I have been sitting at my computer looking at your things for about an hour and a half! Love it! Thanks for sharing.

7 sallytomato said...

Thank you so much. It's lovely! I will use it in the morning for our sign in activity!

8 SKjensrud said...

Thank you for creating such great Christmas douwnloads. My kids love tracing and to color a picture will make it so much better.