Sorry I didn’t get my post out last night……..busy, busy, busy! Here’s the craft we did for Fa-la-la-la –la….we made the notes with our thumbprints.
We spent a little bit of time trying to learn “Away in a manger” – it’s going to take some more practice :-)
We are also taking part in a “Kiddy Christmas Card Exchange” over at “ The Toy Box Years. What a wonderful idea! My two have been running to the mailbox everyday to see if there’s something in there for them! We completed our cards yesterday and will pop them in the mail today.
Today’s book was (nothing to do with Fa-la-la-la la) “Once there was a Christmas Tree”. It is such a BEAUTIFUL story! If you don’t’ own a copy, I would definitely recommend it! The story tells of the bear family who go out to get a Christmas tree and then see Mr. Fox who doesn’t have one. They cut their tree in half and give it to him. Mr. Fox sees that Rabbit doesn’t have one, so he cuts his tree in half and gives half to Rabbit. Rabbit sees that Mrs. Mice doesn’t have one, so he cuts his tree in half and give it to her – what a LOVELY book about sharing!
I made a cut and paste activity to go with it and then I re-vamped a Christmas tree activity that I had available on m blog last year. Count the ornaments and add the correct star to the top. You can click the picture above if you’d like a{free} copy.
I have to say that over the next week at least, my posts are going to be short and maybe just involve a picture of our ABC craft. I have to get all my ISP’s written for our big boys, I have a Student home “Christmas Dinner” (involving Reindeer games), and then our home is being Commandeered over Christmas Break (which means another set of house parents will be in our student home (not in our apartment) while we are off for 2 weeks) so we need to have a lot of stuff packed up. I thought I would be a bit more ahead of my game and have posts written etc.…….but it didn’t happen!
If I get some other things done, I’ll add them but I just wanted to warn you that there may not be downloads every day…..