Sunday, December 5, 2010

A Gingerbread giveaway!

I am really excited to read this book to Channing this year! I've had it for a few weeks now and am waiting just a few more days.........

The book is about a little boy named Jim who make Gingerbread pirate cookies for Santa. When Jim goes to bed, "Captain Cookie" goes on a rescue mission to find his "crew" and runs into a hungry Santa Clause..........When Jim wakes up on Christmas morning, something wonderful has happened to his little pirate friend and crew!

After we read it, I plan on making Gingerbread Men (and maybe a pirate or two) with Channing for our Christmas tree.

I got my copy from Scholastic.........and the good news is that I got TWO that means, I'm giving one away to one of my super readers.

As this is my first giveaway (I'm pretty excited) is how this will work.

1. The giveaway is only open to those of you in the USA (sorry you other lovely readers - maybe next time I'll have one for you!).

2. Please leave a link to your blog or an email address so I can get in contact with you if you win. You don't have t have a blog to enter - just make sure I can let you know.

3. The giveaway will end on December 10th at 8PM and I will use an online random pick website to choose my winner.

Here's how you can enter:

Mandatory entry: Tell me a gingerbread activity you'd do after reading this story.

Additional entry: Follow my blog .

Additional entry: Tell me your favorite Christmas printable available on my blog.

Additional entry: Blog about this giveaway and link back to me.

Please make sure you leave a separate comment for each entry!

Good luck'll be a really cute addition to your Christmas library!


1 Kristalyn said...

i think i would add a treasure hunt for the cookies with an X marks the spot. Or just a treasure hunt to be a pre reading activity to get him in pirate mode. i created a treasure map for my boys with a large X on paper over the treasure when we studied the letter X and they loved it.

2 Kristalyn said...

i think it would be safe to say i love all your christmas printables. we just did your elf ones and enjoyed those. but, i have printed many more in hopes of getting to them soon.

3 Kristalyn said...

oh, and i follow your blog via email. thank you for sharing your amazing printables and all your fantastic ideas.

4 phasejumper said...

I would decorate gingerbread after we read this story. B

5 phasejumper said...

I'm a follower. B

6 Miller Moments said...

I think I might make gingerbread play dough. I've been wanting to do that with my boys and this would be a great tie in.

7 Miller Moments said...

I follow your blog! :)

8 Rachel said...

Super cute!

I'd love to do like paper dolls - only magnetic. Do the generic gingerbread men, and add interchangeable pirate outfits!

rkbuffy at comcast dot net

9 Rachel said...

I follow you :)

10 Brandy said...

We've been reading lots of gingerbread stories around here because it's our theme this month. Two things we are doing with every book and would do with this one is act the story out and add the story to our graph. We have a graph with which stories had which characters, setting, plot, etc.

thelacy4 at windstream dot net

11 Brandy said...

My favorite Christmas printable so far, is the whole gingerbread pack. It is just so stinking cute.

Oh, and I just read Kristalyn's idea in comment number cute and creative! My sons would love that!

12 Jackie Koll said...

I would tie it in with my two week Gingerbread unit and read it many times than do things like do our gingerbread rhymes, do a mataching game with gingerbread men, and, of course, make some cookies!!

13 Jackie Koll said...

I follow your blog :-) (And LOVE it!)

14 Jackie Koll said...

And finally, like others I love all of your printables but recently, I am loving all of your advent ideas and your idea for "The Tale of Christmas". Looking forward to using all of those ideas with my little ones!

15 Leah said...

i think we'd make gingerbread cookies and decorate them!

16 Leah said...

i follow your blog on google reader!!

17 Leah said...

favorite Christmas printable? LOL! um, i think i've used all of them! my favorite has to be the thanksgiving table game..SOO CUTE! and we used the same printables to put on a thanksgiving puppet show!

18 Unknown said...

I think I would make gingerbread cookies kids are 3 and 4. And i think they would have a blast.

19 Unknown said...

I also follow your blog on google friend.

20 Annette W. said...

We just made giant traced gingerbread boys and girls by tracing our kids! We still need to make GB kids for our GB house though!

21 Annette W. said...

I follow you!
derekannette at gmail dot com

22 Annette W. said...

Your gingerbread and nativity printables were awesome!

Anonymous said...

I think we would attempt to make pirate gingerbread cookies.

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog and check it everyday!

Anonymous said...

My daughter loved doing the how many animals are in the stable with Jesus.

26 MamaDuck76 said...

I think we'd make gingerbread playdough, as I've been wanting to do that anyway :)

I'd also like to make gingerbread men cookies this year.

27 MamaDuck76 said...

Also, I follow your blog via Google Reader.

28 Jody said...

I think we would make our own gingerbread pirates using construction paper and make a list of other stories (adventures) they could go on together.

29 Jody said...

I think we would make our own construction paper gingerbread pirates and brainstorm other adventures they could go on.

30 Jody said...

I now follow your blog and I love your nativity printables. Sorry about the dual posting above.

Anonymous said...

hmm I have plans to make a gingerbread house.. but I think I would make some gingerbread pirate ornaments :-)

32 Willow said...

We would probably make gingerbread cookies. Not very new and exciting but my girls love doing it! I have never read this book and I think my girls would love it!

33 Willow said...

My girls have loved all of your printables but their favorite has been measuring the gingerbread men with cubes.

34 Willow said...

I am a follower.

35 Erin Ropelato said...

We would make gingerbread cookies for sure!! Looks like a fun book!!!

36 Erin Ropelato said...

I am a follower!!

37 Erin Ropelato said...

I just found your blog a few weeks ago. I printed out all the fun Thanksgiving stuff and Christmas and Gingerbread stuff. I really like your word strips with the ABC discs or milk caps!!
Thanks for sharing!!

38 Gidget Girl Reading said...

we would make gingerbread paint and paint our own gingerbread pirates

39 Gidget Girl Reading said...

follow your blog

40 Gidget Girl Reading said...

I love them all but don't have color ink :( but I love them all!!!

41 Kara said...

I am planning on making a gingerbread house with my daughter- she loves building things!

42 Kara said...

I am a follower of your blog- love it!

43 Kara said...

I love the cookie counting sheet- so cute!

44 Sippy Cup Central said...

Making gingerbread and I follow you blog. Karen
Sippy Cup Central

45 Jolanthe said...

I'd make gingerbread pirates! :)

46 Jolanthe said...

I follow your blog. :)

47 Kaci * Little Piles Everywhere said...

We would probably make gingerbread playdough. The book looks cute!

48 Kaci * Little Piles Everywhere said...

I am a follower!

49 The Mom I Want To Be said...

We would make gingerbread pirates! I'm so happy I found your awesome blog today via your comment on Jolanthe's blog!

50 The Mom I Want To Be said...

I'm a new follower :)

51 The Mom I Want To Be said...

I love all of your gingerbread printables, but I will be sure to use see, trace and make color words year round!

52 Jenkinson Family said...

Your site is so cute. Thanks. I would make gingerbread men with my kids.

53 Jenkinson Family said...

I'm a follower on Facebook. Thanks

54 Jenkinson Family said...

So far my favorite is the Christmas game with the stable. Love all your stuff.

55 Ruthie said...

We would dress up in our pirate attire and re-enact the story!

56 Richelle said...

I think I would want to make gingerbread cookies. We haven't done that for a couple years.

57 Caroline said...

I would teach my kids the gingerbread song

58 crazytown mama said...

we would decorate foam gingerbread with puffy paints... (my boys wpuld love this book...they are into pirates right now!) thanks...

59 crazytown mama said...

i've got you on my google reader list (thats following right?)

60 Pay said...

i would love to make pirate cookies and have a pirate day! it could be so much fun to make a pirate treasure map out of gingerbread too!

61 Unknown said...

I follow your blog! contact kevinkaylaarrowood123 @ yahoo dot com

62 Unknown said...

We always make gingerbread cookies and make a new gingerbread man ornament after our christmas books so thats what i would plan to do once we read this one!! xoxo contact kevinkaylaarrowood @ yahoo .com

63 Brimful Curiosities said...

Instead of a gingerbread house it would be fun to try and construct and decorate a gingerbread pirate ship for the pirates! That would certainly be a challenging project.

64 Brimful Curiosities said...

I love the Christmas Game you made. It looks like a nice, simple game for young children to play, and I love that it reminds them about the true meaning behind Christmas.

65 Jenny said...

We had a Gingerbread party once, and I still have some of the leftover craft kits that I purchased from Oriental Trading Company.

66 Jenny said...

I'm following now.

67 Jenny said...

I was just checking out some of your printables! :) I like the Christmas numbered bulbs.

68 Stacie said...

If we had this book I would do this cute little gingerbread ornament activity. I had bought some foam gingerbread ornaments from Oriental Trading for us to make and put on the tree. We haven't done it yet. But I am saving them for the right moment as my daughter is just a tad small for it.

69 Stacie said...

I follow your blog on google friend connect

Anonymous said...

I think I would like to make gingerbread playdooh with my kids!