Here it is! The masterpiece we've been working on the last few days! The boys and I made a hand print flower on a canvas for Mike for Fathers day and since then I have been wanting to do another one - I had BIG plans to make a hand print turkey for Thankgiving but it didn't happen (there's always time next year though) worked out perfectly to do the project at Christmas! I have made little cut out hand print trees with my Kindergarten class in the past but I wanted something more permanent so I went to Michaels,got my supplies and we were off :-)
I didn't get too many pictures as I was painting little hands and positioning them but Channing's hands are at the bottom of the tree and Sully's are at the top (it was MUCH easier doing Sully's hand prints!).
The following day (after the hand prints dried), I cut out a star shape from a paper plate and placed it on the tree. I covered the star "space" with glue and then Channing poured the gold bead on. We just tilted the canvas to get the excess beads off and then I carefully took the paper plate shape off.
After out Art work was complete, we read "Sssh" by Julie Sykes. A cute little story about how loud Santa is due to the fact that he's so jolly and how the reindeer and other animals at people's homes have to remind him to be quiet so he doesn't wake the children. Channing loves this book - it's been a favorite since last Christmas and we've read it many times before :-)
After we read the book, we made this craft. I picked this up from Michaels the other day for a dollar or two but you could easily make it yourself if you have some foam laying around.
If you haven't already entered "The Gingerbread Pirates" book give away, you can do so here. Don't forget to check out my Christmas and Gingerbread units too.
I am going to link this to:

My mind whirling with all of these fabulous christmas ideas. The idea of annual canvases at christmas is awesome. You'd end up with a houesful of art work to hang for christmas. Love it!
Thanks again for linking to Christmas Fun. :-)
that turned out soo cute!!! LOVE it!! :)
This turned out so cute! I Love the idea!
Wow, how fun , I love the glitter glue outline!!
Must remember this for next year!!
Oh & thanks for the giveaway, I'm having one too at the moment over on my blog!!
That is adorable!!
That is SOOOOOO CUTE!!! Love that idea!!
Love it! What a great decoration to have for years to come:)
That hand tree is so precious!!
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