Friday, December 3, 2010

Advent Day 3

Wow! What a whirlwind of a day!

We decided to do a little Christmas shopping (boy is that interesting with a 3 year old and a 1 year old!.....I think next week we'll find a babysitter!). We went to Hobby Lobby and look what I stumbled across:

A magnetic nativity set! This provided Channing with some entertainment this afternoon :-)

When we got home from shopping, we read "Mother Hubbard's Christmas" By John O'Brien. I picked up my copy from the huge used book sale at our local library this summer - what a great find! It's a funny rhyming story about all the tricks the dog gets up to while Mother Hubbard is doing "Christmassy" things for him. In the end, the dog is the one who makes the Christmas feast.

We also made a bagel wreath today for a snack. We used cream cheese colored with a little green food coloring.....I had planned on using red M&M's but didn't have any, so we used mini marshmallows and a little red glitter sprinkles.

Channing also loved this counting activity.

We also had the HUGE task this afternoon of decorating our Student Home with all the boys......our first little sprinkle of snow came down as we decorated :-)
There won't be any posts from me this weekend.......We are "off duty" (we only get 2 weekend off a month - and pretty much work 24/7 the rest of the time).......since we've all been sick, we're practically CRAWLING into this weekend! While there will (hopefully) be lots of sleeping taking place, we'll still be doing our advent activities - I'll post about them on Monday :-) Have a great weekend everyone, I can't wait to see what you get up to.


Amy said...

What kind of boys home do you run? Is it for troubled or disabled boys?

2 Elise said...

Oh my, I have been unable to visit your blog for a little while and have just popped back in after linking to your printables from Kylie's blog (Our Worldwide Classroom). Your printables are absolutely AMAZING. Thank you so very much for sharing them. I am printing some off as I leave this comment.

I am really curious to know how you create these reources. What program to do you use? I could not find an email address on your blog to ask you this question.

Ahh, Christmas shopping with children in tow sure does make for an interesting experience. I recently went with my 4 year old, two year old and seven month old. My oh my - it was slooooow going.

I get really excited when I am shopping and I come across something like your magnetic Nativitiy set. What a great learning tool for your son to use this Christmas.

The bagel wreaths are very cool. My little girl loves wreaths so I know she would get a kick out of making one of those.

3 Mrs. Whary said...

Hi Amy,
We work at a school for disadvantaged kids...there are about 1800 kids (grades PreK-12th) here who come from low socio-economic backgrounds (plus have "other" social" factors (e.g they may only have one parent or a grandparent raising them, there may be substance abuse or Children and Youth may be involved with the family etc)'s a wonderful place and the kids get to come here for FREE!!!!!

4 Mrs. Whary said...

Hi Elise,
Glad you could pop back in :-) This is such a busy season - I bet you're enjoying some nice weather right now!
I actually use Word to create everything in (probably NOT the best program to use but it's the only one I semi know how to use - my husband keeps teaching me tricks!)........I have photoshop and I know lots of people use that but I am clueless.....I'd love to do a course in it :-) Hope that helps.
My email is - I"ll be getting a blog makeover soon, so the address will be on there then for sure.
Hope you don't have too much more shopping to do :-)

5 phasejumper said...

Love the activities, especially the edible wreath! I was curious about the home you work at too, glad someone asked! I'm going to have to check Hobby Lobby for one of those nativities, thanks for the idea!

Amy said...

Wow, sounds like some rewarding work.