Welcome to Day 2 of our advent activities. You can see everything we "plan" on doing
This morning, the first words out of Channing's mouth was "where is
Snickerdoo?".....he eagerly ran around trying to find him (he was hiding on our pot rack). WE then moved our little snowman to day 2 on our calendar read what the day had in store for us on our

We read a book that I've had for years called "Woody's Christmas". I guess it's a newer version of the book above (I found it on Amazon and you could buy it used if you were interested). It looks exactly the same book - apart from the extra word in the title. It's a cute little book about Rosie and Robin, who go and visit their uncle Woody. They all go upstairs to the attic and get out the nativity and Uncle Woody tells the story of the birth of Jesus.
We set up our own nativity and talked about the story again. We have some more pieces to add to this nativity in the next few days (I'm waiting on our Bethlehem and Wise Men set to arrive). We have another nativity set that is really cute but we keep that one way up high on a bookshelf and don't really let the kids touch it - Little People are much better for little hands :-)

Later on today, I got out my number order bulb printable (I'll post the printable for you tomorrow)....Channing LOVED this activity. I just hung a piece of yarn between the speakers on our surround sound and away we went. Little Sully kept taking off with our bulbs but we finally got it completed :-)

Day 2....another success! Check out these fun things I've spied from some of my readers:
Elle Belle's Bows made a cute glitter stocking with her daughter.
Jada Roo Can do made some orange pomanders with cloves and oranges.
Holly at Stay and Play has an AMAZING "around the world" Christmas unit....it has cute little printable passports and everything!
Sippy Cup Central made some really cute snowmen bookmarks with her girls.
Thanks for the inspiration ladies!!! I can't wait to see what everyone got up to day!
I just love the blog world this time of year. so many great ideas out there! I love, love, love the christmas bulbs Channing got there. His littlr grin melts my heart!
~Jada Roo Can Do
Thanks for all of the fun ideas!
I really love your blog and all of the ideas and printables you give! I wrote a post today that included a link back to your blog because of your great ideas for Advent/Christmas Countdown. Thanks so much for all of your hard work that helps the rest of us teach our children daily!
Thanks so much for the mention of our craft! Glitter everywhere all the time!! Love your blog and all that you do!! Kerri
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