Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Traditions........I LOVE them! I didn't realize that I loved them so much until I moved to the USA and discovered/started to make some really fun ones. I had some Christmas traditions growing up that I looked forward to each year,like opening one present on Christmas eve, leaving cookies and carrots for Santa and the reindeer,singing Christmas carols as we walked up the stairs to be, and following the "Santa string" leading to the presents in the morning..........in the USA though, there seems to be traditions everywhere and I am in LOVE!

Some of the traditions that we have started (or are going to start)with our family are:

*Channing and I make Gingerbread Men to hang on our tree - last year, they lasted until a few days before Christmas until we noticed legs and arms missing off them :-)

*We were given this lovely Advent calender that was handmade by my sister-in-law. Jody.........I LOVE it and Channing loved moving the little snowman - this year I know he'll be REALLY into it.

*We also make or buy a new ornament each year for the boys so they will have it as keepsakes when they grow up.

*The boys and Daddy go and choose a tree.

*We always open a Christmas PJ present from Mike's Mom on Christmas Eve - they are always snuggle and very cozy to wake up in!

* Last year we started leaving the cookies and Milk out for Santa and the carrots and water for the reindeer.

*We had most of the boys presents under the tree (most of which are from US - we only have a few things from Santa).....but the "big thing" was found by following the Santa string.

*This year we are going to start the "elf on the shelf" tradition - I was given it as a gift last year and can't wait :-)

*We're also going to have a little fun and "elf" some people (more about that tomorrow!).

So...........onto the "main part" of the post. This year, I would like to start another tradition and I hope you'll join in the fun. I didn't know if I could pull this one together as I've been pretty sick this week with some weird chest infection....however - somehow I made it! I made a series of cards with each day leading up to Christmas. Each card has the book (or two) title that we'll read that day and what activity we'll do (some days a craft, some days a cooking project and other days a "family thing"). I may be a little ambitious but we'll see. I hope to write a post each evening showing our day's adventures (again, this may be a bit ambitious but we'll go with the flow). I am really hoping to make lasting memories with my family this Christmas :-) What fun traditions do you have?


1 Elle Belles Bows said...

Elf on the Shelf is a big hit in our house. Just got him out last night. We will definitely try to join you in the crafts! Kerri

2 phasejumper said...

I just posted today about someone who did the same thing (daily book and activity). We do the pajamas and yearly ornament too! We have a lot of Christmas traditions- We make something out of gingerbread, read the Christmas story out of the Bible, drive around and look at Christmas lights together while listening to Christmas music (Peter, Paul and Mary holiday cd), go to a live nativity, watch Christmas movies....the list is long!

3 Andrea said...

I love that advent! adorable! I think we will be doing the elf on the shelf next year. I also like the tradition of following the santa string to your presents. I never heard of that before. Thanks for sharing:)

Brandi said...

Thank you so much for sharing your printables. I love them and appreciate your hard work. Unfortunately when I download them I can't see any of your text-I just see black streaks where the text should be. Do you know how I can fix this? I really want to print and use some of your gingerbread printables
Thank you so much,

5 Mrs. Whary said...

Hi Brandi...I'm not sure why this is happening - I re-checked the links and they work fine for me.....are you actually downloading them or just looking at the 4shared page (before it downloads)....becasue if you are just at the first page, it does look like there is only black streaks but when it actually downloads, the letters all come up. Please email me at musingsofme@yahoo.com if you still can't get it to work - I May be able to help you out!
Hope that helps,

6 Mrs. Whary said...

Hey Kerri,
I can't wait to see your crafts :-)

7 HWillingham said...

What happened to your "Tale of Christmas" book? That was really cute!

8 Mrs. Whary said...

I'm working of patterns for my Christmas book and it will be for sale in my store soon.