Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Pluck the feathers

Turkey game
Here is a really cute game that I saw on this blog. You lay the turkey down with feathers on the board and give your child some tweezers and a little bowl or basket. Time them for one minute (or less with older kids) and see how many feathers they can "pluck"..........try again to see if you can pluck more than last time :-)

There was no printable for this game so I made one so Channing and I could play. Channig thought this was FANTASTIC! He loved trying "pluck" the feathers. At first, he only got 3 feathers in one minute but by the third try, he had a bowlful.

He started throwing the fathers and watching them fall, so we both tried it and counted how many second it took to reach the ground..........we must have done this for at least 15 minutes.

The graphics I used for the printable are designed by Dianne J. Hook and are copyright. I have used them with permission from DJ inkers.Thanks guys!

I am going to link this to ABC and 123.


1 Christianne @ Little Page Turners said...

Love this idea! I'm doing tot school tomorrow, and will try this!