Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Fall Fun Cards!

3 part cards Pic
My favorite season is well under way…….I’ve even been having to wear my jacket the last few days!
I have made a bit of a change in how I’m designing things………I would really like to be relevant to both teachers AND homeschoolers, preschool kids AND kinder (and maybe a little 1st grade too)….that way the activities can grow with the kids and I don’t have to try and re-invent my things for my own kiddos each year. Some things obviously won’t relate to all but hopefully you’ll be able to find some things that you can use with all your kids at the same time :-)
That being said, Here are my Fall Fun Cards – there are 3 sets of 6 cards. Here’s how you can use them:
1. For Pre K kids, choose one set (they are color coded: Orange, brown and blue)…….you will be using them as 3 part cards. Print off the Base cards for the set and the word card set. Cut off the words and have your kiddos match the correct word to the picture. They can check their answers using the base cards.
2. For Kinder Kids. You can have the kids match the words to the picture (like I explained above) and then have them write the words under the picture in the “Fall Match” recording sheet…..there are 3 recording sheets to match the 3 sets of cards.
3. For kids that need extension or for 1st graders, have the kids use the cards and put them in alphabetical order. They can then fill out the recording sheet….there are 3 recording sheets to match the sets of cards.

This activity can now be found in my Fall Fun Unit HERE
Check out these Fall Fun things:
Fall Fun PreK Printables from Homeschool Creations
Apple Unit from 2Teaching Mommies
Leaf Unit from 2Teaching Mommies
Apples from What the Teacher Wants
Apple Fun from me
And don’t forget to check out my Fall Book :-)
*The clip art used to make this book is copyright and designed by Dianne J. Hook. Thank you so much, DJInkers!


1 Jennifer J said...

Thank you very much!! They are printed on cardstock, laminated, cut apart, and about to be used by the 3yo. He is having fun throwing away the trimmings right now!

2 Miss Kindergarten said...

Woohoo! I love your stuff!

3 Rachelle said...

Oh thanks for the shout out! I'm lovin' everything you do! You are truly talented!!!!!!!

4 kaye said...

You have made the cutest stuff! I can't wait to use your leaf patterns and your fall fun stuff in my stations! Thank you so much!!

Alicia said...

Is this still available. I clicked to download, but it tells me the file is not valid.