I'm asking my lovely blogging friends to say a prayer for us. We have been completely flooded - some homes on campus have 4 foot of water in them and no electricity. We are blessed to live on a hill so our home is fine. The road right outside out house has been flooded across since yesterday so there is no way in or out.
Many people have MAJOR damage and a few have lost their lives. Please pray for our town and the people trying to help everyone. The is meant to be up to 7 more inches of rain later today!
Thanks friends,
Sending prayers, my aunt was in a flash flood in York, PA yesterday.
Praying...it's bad...and with it "just" being Lee, not expected!
Your in our prayers!
I certainly will!!! I'm so sorry! We here in Texas will GLADLY take your rain! Half our state has burned this year with all the wildfires. :(
I am in upstate NY and in the same boat- you must be near me. I am safe but it is so sad to see what is happening all around.
Kinder By Golly
Oh Michelle, WOW! I knew the rains were bad, but didn't realize it was enough to leave houses so terribly flooded.
I'm glad that you are safe, and we'll pray for your continued safety and for those around you.
I'm new over here, but will definitely say a prayer!! Stay safe!
So sorry Michelle. The big storm just left our area. Stay inside and stay safe!
Praying that God will be sending y'all rainbows soon...
Praying! and (((hugs)))!
Spotlight on Kindergarten
praying for you!
Praying for you!
Just got this - praying that things are better now!
Just saw this. Sending up prayers!
<>< Crystal
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