Sunday, August 14, 2011

Haven't we been here before?

Hi Guys,
Just a quick explanation for you......I am once again having clip art issues.......I had permission from a designer to use her things and now apparently she doesn't allow it anymore (and MOST things I had put up here include some of her designs).....ugh!!! I sooooooo wish I could draw and then I wouldn't keep having this problem!
Anyway, I've taken most things down from my site (as they include her designs) but the freebies you can get from my TPT store are still available.
I'm trying to sort though what I should seems that designing stuff is OK to sell but most designers won't allow freebies. Since I have already invested a lot of money in the clip art that I have, I may just have to create stuff and sell them for a cheap price.
I can still create things using DJinkers as they DON'T allow anyone to sell things with their clip art on it (unless they too change their policy) as long as it's educational :-) Thank goodness for that as my "I can" stuff all includes Diannes beautiful designs.
UGH!!! Once again, a bit of a downer for me - I really wanted to bless people with things and it seems that even if you have the permission of a designer, they can change their mind at any time!
I also have to say that many people have been blogging lately about other people "stealing" their ideas and then copying them to sell etc - this totally makes my heart sad! If there is one thing that takes the joy out of helping others, it is this! There are soooo many wonderful bloggers out there that are willing to share their super ideas - please use them but don't abuse them or they'll stop sharing.
Sorry to have such a downer of a post - I'm super disappointed!


  1. Since she gave you special permission before, is there a chance that she would exclude you from the no permission group?

    We do appreciate all you do!!

  2. I'm going to write her an email and see what she says :-) There are some designers on Etsy that will work with you too it's just that I've already spent so much on clip art already!

  3. (((Hugs))) I'm so sorry! I've fully been blessed by your freebies and look forward to 'Trekking Across the States' with my littles in the future.

  4. Wow, that is sad. In just the year I've been blogging, I'm finding more and more bloggers are not friendly and so many are turning into "professional" sites . . it isn't as fun as it used to be. I'm sorry you have run into this again -I really love your stuff!

  5. Oh dear! Hope you get it sorted. I am guessing that's why I can't access your Space themed printables that I had pinned, what a shame :(

  6. I would think the things you have already created with permission should be grandfathered in or something. If they give you permission it is not fair to just take it away out of the blue. Sorry you are having so much trouble.

  7. THAT'S where all the packs I was going to print off went!!! I kept wondering what happened to the Holiday Preschool Packs that I was going to print for my 3 year old. At least I know now. Thanks for the info!! That is SUCH a bummer though, for you as well as for me!

  8. I am so sorry that you are having this issue. What a shame....all of the time you have spent to create and share! I can see why it would be discouraging. I pray that you won't give up! Once you find a way to effectively publish your awesome printables, you may be able to "help" those other women who are in the same quandry. There will always be some who turn nasty...we live in a fallen world..but there are so many AWESOME teachers with hearts of gold-such as yourself! Don't give up!

  9. I am SO sorry, Michelle!! What a bummer... Let me know if I can send an e-mail to the designer to support, and I will be there!

  10. You are so wonderful to share the packs that you had prepared. Hope the designer will understand and allow you to share to us again. Thank you.

  11. This is really a bummer!! I've been creating educational printables for FREE for years. This whole graphics/clipart issue hit me really hard, as well as some of my friends. Their whole premise is that those of us that create for free are putting the WAHM who create and sell printables out of business. They think that everyone needs to sell materials and not give them away. People don't have the money to buy everything....period!!

    Anyway, would you mind letting me know which artist this is?? I'm curious if I need to change anything because none of my artists have told me anything new. It's not like they do inform us very well of changes.

    I hope it all works out!!

  12. Hi...It's horrible that again this is happening to you. Perhaps you could be apart of a portfolio?... Post a button/shop link of said designer?

    Or..what about going ahead and selling them? You could offer a lifetime membership for .01.... I see you have 739 members. Send me your paypal addy and I'll send you $20.00 .. That should cover a few lifetime memberships. ;)

    Or even if you offered the memberships for 1$'re following through with the designers requiremnt and still your wish of others getting materials they need. matter what, your need to share with others could still be met by donators who would pay extra for memberships for others.

    Just a thought...

    And EVERYONE can draw. Shame on you for saying you can't. Find the little girl inside of you and apologize. Her art is beautiful. Quit being a bully. ;)


  13. Would this be the reason the Superhero Pack is an invalid four year old grandson would LOVE all those wonderful activities.
    Gramma of a Superhero

  14. Ideas under US Copyright law never have been and never will be copyrightable. Imagine a world with a solitary book of fiction, one science fiction, a single biography, a sole vampire novel, one tale of wizardry, a lone saga of survival, etc. And we haven't even touched upon movies, cars, smart phones, and millions of other creations. Without the free flow of ideas, creativity and progress would have come to a screeching halt thousands of years ago. Thank goodness this nightmare scenario did not take place. A quick study of those societies that have actually forbidden access to selected information gives a clear view of how such restraints affect the way people live. Ideas are universal resources, not personal possessions.... this excerpt is from a TeachersPayTeachers article. Provided for reference reasons only.

    Fingers crossed you get the graphics things sorted though! x
