Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Letter File Folders giveaway

Once again, Ana from Ingles360 is willing to giveaway her ENTIRE letter file folder kits. Ana uses these to compliment the letter of the week that she teaches her class. This would be an awesome addition to letters you are teaching your kiddos too.

Here's how you can enter this giveaway:

1. Ana has a brand new blog, follow her publicly and leave me a comment telling me you did (mandatory entry)

2. Have a browse around her blog and tell my what your favorite post is (mine is definitely the "noodles" post.

3. Give me an idea for a new preschool pack you'd love to see.

The winner will be chosen via Random.org on Sunday May 8th at 8pm.

I thought I'd write a little "note" here as I've had a few people comment about a "farm" pack....I already have one and you can find it here.


1 Charity Donovan said...

Following the new blog!
charityd AT centurytel DOT net

2 Charity Donovan said...

I'd love to see a new preschool pack for Spanish.

charityd AT centurytel DOT net

3 Charity Donovan said...

I thought the Grammar Game was cutee!
charityd AT centurytel DOT net

4 Unknown said...

I follow.

5 Miller Moments said...

I am now a follower of Ana's blog. :)

6 Miller Moments said...

I think I probably like her Noodle post the best too...although I liked her Mother Goose one....and the J is for Jesus. Too many cute ones!

7 Miller Moments said...

We are anxiously awaiting your next state pack! We've enjoyed every single state pack that you've made.

8 Lilla said...

I follow her. lillaficsor at gmail.com

9 Lilla said...

I like J is for Jesus the most. lillaficsor at gmail.com

10 Lilla said...

I would love a new preschool pack baed on the series 'Auto B good'
lillaficsor at gmail.com

Danielle said...

I follow Ingles 360

eric_danielle at netzero dot com

Danielle said...

I like the Grammar Games.

eric_danielle at netzero dot com

Danielle said...

Part of the body... my child is fascinated by that.

eric_danielle at netzero dot com

14 m2ls said...


i follow Ana's blog.

15 m2ls said...

I like the Teachable Moments post.

16 The Atkinson Family said...

I am now a follower..

17 The Atkinson Family said...

I liked them all.. The noodles one looks pretty cool, and I also like the the Printable mats..

18 The Atkinson Family said...

I would like to see a Farm pack, or a Zoo pack, or even Train pack, or a Construction pack would be sweet.. But whatever you decided to do I will love it.. You are very talented.. Hope your little guy is doing better with the allergies..

Thanks again to all of the Preschool packs that you have done!

19 Dolores said...

I am following the new blog.

I like the Mother Goose post.

I would like to probably see something on manners. I don't see much out there and I think it's really important.


20 Unknown said...

I adore Ana's products, so I am more than happy to now be one of her followers! :0)

21 Unknown said...

We would greatly enjoy a Preschool Pack related to the Letter X in some way- there are not as many "X" resources out there, so something along those lines would be eXtremely helpful! :0)

22 Angie Center said...

I am now following her blog.

angie.center at hotmail dot com

23 Michelle Grigsby said...

I am now publicly following Ana's blog :-)

24 Michelle Grigsby said...

My favorite post is the S is for spring post!

25 Amanda Phillips said...

I am not a follower of Ingles360 and I love her J for Jesus post.

I also love the idea of manners pack too!

26 Leann said...

I am following Ana's blog.

27 Leann said...

I really liked the teachable moments post.

28 Leann said...

I would love to see a farm pack.

Angel Fuller said...

I am publicly following Ana's Blog.
I love everything I don’t have a Favorite. Can’t wait to see what you come up with next. I have been checking out your blog for the past hour. All I can say is LOVE IT. God Bless you Ana and Please Keep up the great work. :)Angel Fuller

30 maryanneade1 said...

I am following Ana's Blog :)

31 Momma Bear said...

I now follow ingles360 :)

32 maryanneade1 said...

I really enjoyed the magnetic nursery rhymes link. My 5 year old is now late for bed as he was playing the game for a while. Many Thanksx

33 maryanneade1 said...

I would love to see a pack on shapes and colours, or even the family.

34 Amanda said...


35 Moni Knits said...

I'm following Ana's blog.

36 Moni Knits said...

A gardening preschool pack would be awesome!

37 Moni Knits said...

The noodle post is awesome, but I also love Ana's Chrysanthemum post. http://ingles360.blogspot.com/2011/02/chrysanthemum-by-kevin-henkes.html

38 cjvanvoorhis said...

I am now following Ana's blog!

39 Isabel Z said...

I am following Ana's blog!

isabelzito at verizon dot net

40 cjvanvoorhis said...

I loved the grammar game that she created.

41 cjvanvoorhis said...

I would love to see a preschool pack that is sports related. My boys are huge sports fans and love all sports! You create amazing packs so I am sure your next creation will be awesom:)

42 Isabel Z said...

I loved the noodle post--definitely tryings these activities with my preschoolers.

isabelzito at verizon dot net

43 Shelley said...

I'm following Ana's Blog

44 Shelley said...

I love the noodles as well! But tons of cute stuff!

45 Isabel Z said...

I would love to see a rainforest pack.

Thank you for your wonderful blog. It always inspires me and excited me about my profession--teaching preschoolers.

isabelzito at verizon dot net

46 Shelley said...

I love all the preschool packs that you do but I would like to a see a community helpers one. With police, fireman, military, teacher and so on.

47 Willefam said...

I am a follower of Ingles 365:) Cute blog!!

48 Willefam said...

The grammar game was giving me a run for my money!! Apparently I need refresh my grammar skills too!! :)

49 Lora said...

I am a follower of Ana's blog!

50 Lora said...

I also loved the noodle post!

51 Lora said...

I'd love to see a picnic/ant theme!

52 Angie White said...

I follow Ana's blog... it's adorable!

signindragon at yahoo.com

53 Angie White said...

So far, my favorite post is the fun little grammar game! I downloaded it several days ago!

signingdragon at yahoo.com

54 Angie White said...

So, I LOVE your units! I want very much to have a fantasy unit (dragons, fairies, magicians, etc).

Anonymous said...

I now follow her blog...

Anonymous said...

I like the J is for Jesus post...


Anonymous said...

I would like you to make a Camping preschool pack?...thanks!!!


58 Melissa M. said...

I follow Ana and I just love her games.

59 Jackie Koll said...

Following the blog

60 Jackie Koll said...

The noodle post was a great idea - I also really liked the J is for Jesus post.

61 Melissa M. said...

I think the teachable moments is a good one. Ya just never know when one will happen.

62 Eileen said...

I have followed Ana's Blog.
I love the Noodles and the Grammar pack. The Noodle pack is very creative.
I would love to see something like this but i don't know what it should be call
- people from different country wearing different kind of their costumes with their Famous food. Simple basic introduction.

Thank you very much I loved Ana and your work.

63 Melissa M. said...

I love Mother Goose. I would love to see a set of those in a file folder game format. Thanks!!

64 Jackie Koll said...

An idea for a new preschool pack . . .I noticed that someone else said camping and that is such a great idea! What about something with sports (I'm trying to remember what you already have and I don't recal sports); trains? Or Legos?

65 iteachk said...

I am a new follower! Thanks for letting us know about her!

66 iteachk said...

I found some Chrysanthemum printables on her site that I will use next fall!

67 Unknown said...

I am a following now! Very cute!

68 Miss Kindergarten said...

I follow her blog! :)

Miss Kindergarten

69 Stephanie said...

followed her blog publicly.


70 Stephanie said...

followed her blog publicly.


71 Stephanie said...

loved the teachable moments post.


72 Stephanie said...

i'd like a unit on friends/friendship/being a good friend.


73 Caitlin said...

I'm now following her new blog. Can't wait to have a look around it! :)

74 Wendy said...

I like the Taste the Fun Gameboard. I can use it to review other concepts by using various cards.

I follow jacobson DOT wendy AT gmail DOT com

Ana's things are so bright and colorful. I love them.

75 Wendy said...

I'd like to see something done on birds

76 Wendy said...

i like the taste the fun game as it is so colorful. I'd like to see something on birds or nature. I follow jacobson DOT wendy AT gmail DOT com

77 Unknown said...

I follow Ana's blog

bogdanhomeschool at gmail (dot) com

78 Melinda at Weiser Academy said...

I follow Ana's blog.

weiser academy at aol dot com

79 Melinda Weiser said...

I like the Gramar Packs.

80 Angela W. said...

I'm following Ana's blog.

81 Angela W. said...

I would love to see a preschool pack for each of the musical instrument families. (Strings, Woodwinds, Brass, Percussion)

82 Angela W. said...

I like the Taste the Fun post.

83 Kim said...

I am now a follower of Ana's site. I love the way her blogsite is set up. I especially enjoyed her lesson on the letter "J" and the story of Joseph. This would be awesome to use for my preschool Sunday School class. I also think having a Spanish language lesson would be a great idea.

84 Unknown said...

following her by gfc and subscribed by mail too :)

besttoddlertoys at yahoo dot com

85 Unknown said...

Oh, I love the noodles too but also love that she shares some free printables with games and activities

besttoddlertoys at yahoo dot com

86 Unknown said...

how about family preschool pack?

87 Dana said...

I follow Ana's new blog.

88 Dana said...

A beach/ocean preschool pack would be helpful for the summer.

89 Dana said...

I enjoyed her Mother Goose post and the wonderful printables she linked to it.

90 Tina said...

Following Ingles360 new blog...already a follower of her past blogs!

91 Tina said...

I really like the Mother Goose unit, we use Nursery Rhymes in summer school for upcoming Kinders and we ave so much fun with them.

92 Tina said...

Do you have any apple or Johnny Appleseed resources? Although new to blogging, I haven't come across any apple activities.

93 Tina said...

Shows you how much I know...just found your apple resources..thanks!

94 Caterina said...

I am a follower.
Thanks so much,

95 Caterina said...

I like the Taste the fun- Free grammar game post. Such a cute site.
Thanks so much,

96 Caterina said...

Maybe a preschool pack about the beach or under the sea.

97 Rasmussens said...

I love her Chrysanthemum folder. So cute!

98 Rasmussens said...

I now follow her blog!

99 Rasmussens said...

I would love to see a dinosaur packet.

100 Julie said...

I'm a follower of Ingles360.

jberrec at gmail dot com

101 Julie said...

I like the grammar game best. But those felt noodles are really cute!

jberrec at gmail dot com

102 Julie said...

I'd love to see a weather packet.

jberrec at gmail dot com

103 Shayla said...

I follow Ana

104 Shayla said...

I like her games

105 Shayla said...

An idea for a new preschool pack I'd love to see is Night & Day

106 Lydia said...

Following the new blog

107 Lydia said...

I would love some Spanish ideas

108 Lydia said...

I love the noodle unit!