Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Coming soon.........the "I can" series

Hi everyone,
I know I haven't been blogging too much lately....there are LOTS of reasons for that but I'm excited to say that ONE of the reasons I've been a little MIA is this:

My "I can" series! I have spent a LONG time trying to organize it (and so far have only done the vowels) but this is going to be the K4 curriculum I'm going to use with Channing. I wanted to try and incorporate some science, imagination and fun! The series will also included Bible verses to learn each week.

I haven't started it with him yet but I plan to in the fall - I'm hoping to get all of the letters done before I begin. Once we complete a letter, I'll post about it and offer some FREE downloads for you.

I've also been working on some things to sell in my "Teachers Pay Teachers" store. As you know, we're planning for a BIG international move soon and I'm praying that by selling some things it'll help pay for our shipping costs. Look out VERY soon for my first unit that will be for sale ......... CIRCUS!


  1. Your "I Can" unit looks like a lot of fun and possibly something I could use with my 4 year old! Are you going to continue with "Trekking Across the States" too?

  2. THanks, Erin.......unfortunately, Channing was totaloly NOT into the state study - I gut up to Idaho with my planning so I decided to put it on hold until he's little older

  3. Michelle this is SO cute!!!!! I can't wait to use it with Ladybug, she can't get enough of my Tot School Printables, I need supplements already!!!

  4. Thanks, Carisa - I'm hoping to get ahead of myself so I don't feel like I'm playing catch up all the time!

  5. I am so proud of you Shell! All this creating you do, your so talented!! I know I'm bias because I'm your mum but I know how much you love teaching and creating!! Love you

  6. This looks WONDERFUL!! I love it and can't wait to see it:)

  7. I can't wait to see this. It looks great! Where are you moving to?

    <>< Crystal

  8. This looks great! (So sweet that your mom commented!)

  9. Looks awesome!! Will you be selling your whole "I Can" Series?

  10. THis looks great! Can't wait to see it.

  11. This looks really fun, Michelle! I can't wait to see more of it :)

    I hope all is going well with you!

  12. WOW! This is incredible! You are one heck of a teacher!!! Thanks for sharing so much of your hard work with all us other moms out there!
