Thursday, January 20, 2011


I know some of your are teaching older kids so I thought I'd share a set of homonyms that I made for a friend.........I color coded them so there are 3 sets (there are about 35 pages of them, so there are a LOT). You could have the kids match them, look the meaning up, write sentences using the correct word etc - maybe one day I'll get around to making worksheets to go with them. For now though, this is what I have :-)

You can download them here.
Don't forget that I'll be posting our ALASKA unit for "Trekking across the States" on's a fun one so don't miss it!!!


  1. Thank you so much for this unit. I am homeschooling my 1st grader and this will be perfect for him. I also have three little ones that have enjoyed your winter units. It has been such a blessing to have these units for them. During homeschool time they get to "play" with your units. Thank you for creating and sharing them.

  2. Ahh, thank you Michelle :D
    I am sorry that I haven't emailed you back... such a busy week. I am still trying to think of how we could do a button... could you email me with any ideas you have for it? What are you envisioning... Thanks for all you do and share with us... I linked your Trekking in my homes-cool highlights post :D

  3. It's funny...growing up I learned these as homonyms...but where I used to teach we had to teach them as homophones...same thing, different name.

  4. Thanks so very much!
