Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Happy Australia Day

Happy Australia Day everyone!! For those that are wondering, January 26th is that day that we celebrate the First Fleet arriving in Sydney Cove in 1788..............I am definitely proud to be called an Aussie and miss my beautiful country..........
I'm hoping to make some Aussie treat's to share with our student home boys tonight :-) Of course I started off the day with my Vegemite toast (but I do that every day anyhow :-)

I was hoping to have some Australia printables for you but we've had a bit of a rough husbands grandfather is not doing well at all. So I'll have to post them at a later date! I'm also working on some "dental" printables (since February is dental month)..........which should be out soon.

Until then, I hope you fellow Aussies enjoyed your day - I'll be using as much slang as I can today!
Hooroo everyone :-)


  1. Being British I start my day with Marmite on toast! lol

    Happy Australian Day!

  2. Michelle, you should be happy its winter over there. Our Australia day in sunny Westmead was a scorching 40'C (104'F)but that didn't stop us hanging out at the free concert in Parra Park with a snag and some Lamingtons! Praying for you and your family at this time of loss. Sara

  3. I know I am late, but happy Australia Day, mate. We had a green and gold pav...

    I am looking forward to your printables (but then, I look forward to all your printables.)

    And I second what Sparkles said - it is STILL roaring temps in Sydney.
