Wow, life has certainly changed in the last 7 weeks! Here’s what I’ve been working on in my “free time”.

You’ll find all the things listed below in ONE pack (and for ONE price).

13 Literacy Centers:
All Mixed Up (Sight word Scramble)
Flipping For Love (Flip Book)
Happy Hearts Ordering (Alphabetical Ordering)
Hearts Full 'O Blends
Love Letters (Before and After Letters)
Love Notes (Making Words With Word Families at, at, it, in and ig)
Love Splat (Vowel Sounds)
Happy Hearts (Short Vowel Sounds)
The Love Bug (Sight Word Game)
Beginnings and Endings (First and Last Sound)
Cookie Love (Word Family Sort (at, an, og, eg)

Math Centers:
Base It On Love (Base 10)
Comparing Hearts (Comparing Numbers)
Count The Room (Tally Marks)
Counting On Love (Counting On)
I Love Counting (Number, Word and 10 Frame)
It All Adds Up (Addition)
Love Makes "Cents" (Money)
Melt My Heart (Subtraction)
Missing You, Numbers (Before and After Numbers)
Patterns Of Love (Patterns)
If You’re interested , you can click on any of the pictures above to find it in my TPT store. I would also LOVE to give 3 away…….read to the end of this post to find out how you can enter!

Meet Hadley …….she is my new love
She was born Dec 3rd and was 8lb 13oz.

And here she is more recently. She is SUCH a good baby! I am totally blessed that she is so easy going with all the change that has happened since her birth.

Yep, it’s all gone (well actually, it’s all on a boat somewhere headed to Sydney). Next Monday is our official “termination” date from our job (as we violate the 2 child policy). Thankfully the school has moved us to a furnished apartment where we can stay until our flights to Australia. As of today, we’re not quite sure when that will be………we just need to get Hadley’s Australian citizenship papers and her Aussie passport and then we’ll be off (we’re thinking mid February). The only thing left to do is sell our Durango! The boys have done very well with everything…they ADORE their sister and really like the little apartment we’re staying in too. they’ll be more on everything that’s going on in a later post.
Let’s get to the giveaway
Here’s how you can enter:
1. Follow my TPT store and leave me a comment below with an email address to tell me that you do.
2. Leave me a comment with an email address telling me what packs you’d like to see me create.
3. Leave a comment with your email address telling me your favorite Valentine book.
EASY! This giveaway will be open until Tuesday (22nd, 2013) at 6pm (EST).
Make sure you stop by tomorrow for a Valentine freebie!