Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Robin Cheeky Winner
Congratulations number 13...........Kelly B aka Queen're the winner!!! YAY!!! I'll be emailing you soon :-)
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Handwriting practice
Here are the handwriting practice pages that we'll be using though and I'm hoping we can get the ball rolling soon..... This will soon be available in my TPT store.
Once again, all the clipart and fonts are copyright and designed by Dianne J. Hook. Thank you so much DJInkers!!!!
Monday, August 29, 2011
Robin Cheeky Give Away!!
Tammi was soooooo inspiring!! When she was a young girl, she had an imaginary friend called Robin Cheeky.........with the support of her husband and kids, Robin Cheeky now stars in a number of books!
Not only did Tammi write the book, she PUBLISHED them herself!! What teacher doesn't dream about publishing a kids book?! You can read more about her here.
I spent a good while talking to her and she is so super lovely that she gave me SIGNED copies of the two Robin Cheeky books that are currently available to use as a give away on my blog.
The first story "Robin Cheeky and the Magical Smiles" is a cute story about how the magical smileys happen (and these will be used in future books to take him to other worlds). The second book is about how he goes to a land of candy!
Tammi plans to come out with a whole series of Robin Cheeky books, so make sure you check out her website for updates. She also does school visits if you are interested!
Along with the signed books, the giveaway includes a Robin Cheeky Bag and some Magical smiley's. How generous is that!!
Here's how you can enter:
(please leave a separate comment for each entry).
Mandatory entry:
1. Follow my blog
Extra entries:
2. Go to my TPT store and leave feedback on an item.
3. Tell me about a dream you hope becomes a reality!
The winner will be announced on Wednesday 31st August at 8pm.
Tammi will be at Faneuil Hall in Boston until October 31st, so if you are in the area, stop by and say hi :-)
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Birthday Unit
I just realized that I made this unit for Maureen from Spell Outload but I didn't actually put it on my blog! So here it is, my birthday has all the usual Pre-K goodies and you can soon purchase it in my TPT store.
All the graphics used to make this unit are copyright and are designed by Dianne J. Hook. Thank you DJ Inkers.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Gray Color Book and Free For All Friday!
Today is the LAST day of my little color books!!! I hope you got the whole set :-
Click HERE to get all the mini color books (red, orange, green, blue, pink, brown, yellow,purple, white, black and gray).
All the graphics used to make this book are copyright and designed by Dianne J. Hook. Thank you DJ Inkers!
Check out TBA and Blog Hopper for some more Super Great Freebies :-)
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Black Color Book
Welcome to the color black! Click on the picture if you would like the print version of this book.
All the graphics used to make this book are copyright and designed by Dianne J. Hook. Thanks you DJ Inkers!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Orange Color Book
All the graphics used to make this book are copyright and designed by Dianne J. Hook. Thank you DJ INkers!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
White Color Book
All the graphics used to make these adorable books is copyright and designed by Dianne J. Hook. Thank you DJ INkers!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Red Color Book
Hope you all had fun this weekend! We were off duty so the four of us spent Saturday catching a ferry and having a picnic! It was a beautiful day :-)
Click on the picture for a complete set of color books.
All the clip art used to make these cute books is copyright and designed by Dianne J. Hook. Thanks so much, DJ Inkers!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Pink color book
Friday, August 19, 2011
Yellow Color Book
Here is the Yellow Color Book (Print version). Click on the picture to get a complete set of color books.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Purple Color Book
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
The Color Green
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Teaching colors?
You can purchase them at my TPT store.
The images used are copyright and designed by Dianne J. Hook. They have been used with the permission of DJinkers.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Haven't we been here before?
Hi Guys,
Just a quick explanation for you......I am once again having clip art issues.......I had permission from a designer to use her things and now apparently she doesn't allow it anymore (and MOST things I had put up here include some of her designs).....ugh!!! I sooooooo wish I could draw and then I wouldn't keep having this problem!
Anyway, I've taken most things down from my site (as they include her designs) but the freebies you can get from my TPT store are still available.
I'm trying to sort though what I should seems that designing stuff is OK to sell but most designers won't allow freebies. Since I have already invested a lot of money in the clip art that I have, I may just have to create stuff and sell them for a cheap price.
I can still create things using DJinkers as they DON'T allow anyone to sell things with their clip art on it (unless they too change their policy) as long as it's educational :-) Thank goodness for that as my "I can" stuff all includes Diannes beautiful designs.
UGH!!! Once again, a bit of a downer for me - I really wanted to bless people with things and it seems that even if you have the permission of a designer, they can change their mind at any time!
I also have to say that many people have been blogging lately about other people "stealing" their ideas and then copying them to sell etc - this totally makes my heart sad! If there is one thing that takes the joy out of helping others, it is this! There are soooo many wonderful bloggers out there that are willing to share their super ideas - please use them but don't abuse them or they'll stop sharing.
Sorry to have such a downer of a post - I'm super disappointed!
Just a quick explanation for you......I am once again having clip art issues.......I had permission from a designer to use her things and now apparently she doesn't allow it anymore (and MOST things I had put up here include some of her designs).....ugh!!! I sooooooo wish I could draw and then I wouldn't keep having this problem!
Anyway, I've taken most things down from my site (as they include her designs) but the freebies you can get from my TPT store are still available.
I'm trying to sort though what I should seems that designing stuff is OK to sell but most designers won't allow freebies. Since I have already invested a lot of money in the clip art that I have, I may just have to create stuff and sell them for a cheap price.
I can still create things using DJinkers as they DON'T allow anyone to sell things with their clip art on it (unless they too change their policy) as long as it's educational :-) Thank goodness for that as my "I can" stuff all includes Diannes beautiful designs.
UGH!!! Once again, a bit of a downer for me - I really wanted to bless people with things and it seems that even if you have the permission of a designer, they can change their mind at any time!
I also have to say that many people have been blogging lately about other people "stealing" their ideas and then copying them to sell etc - this totally makes my heart sad! If there is one thing that takes the joy out of helping others, it is this! There are soooo many wonderful bloggers out there that are willing to share their super ideas - please use them but don't abuse them or they'll stop sharing.
Sorry to have such a downer of a post - I'm super disappointed!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Let's Learn Letters!
I"M BACK!!!!! We had a wonderful vacation up in Maine and came back to our beautifully renovated Student Home :-) We took our Student Home boys on a vacation the first week back and this week they all have sports try outs. So far we only have 8 guys this year but we'll be back up to 12 in no time, I'm sure.
We also found out a few weeks ago that we won't be moving back to Australia at the end of the year as planned - instead, I'll be becoming an American citizen (and our move will come a little later!). I've already started the process and am waiting on my "interview" date.
In the mean time, I have been working REALLY hard on the "I Can" series that I'm planning to start with Channing in September. While you wait though, I thought I'd share the "Let's Learn Letters" book that will go along with our study. There are two pages for each letter and they can be done in any order (so you can use it along with any curriculum you're using).
This will soon be available for purchase in my TPT store.
I am going to link this to:
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